Spot opportunities with a window into over 5 million UK businesses

Our platform pulls together many sources of public data – Including Companies House, the Land Registry, and the FCA, offering users the perfect tool to research leads, qualify businesses, and win new deals.

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See Spark Auto Insights in action

Full business overview
Company data at your fingertips, with a sprinkling of AI. Use Spark Business Intelligence to identify, qualify, and research the companies you're targeting.

Advanced search options
Search for businesses based on the things that matter to you. Want to create a specific campaign built on companies that import from overseas? We got you!

CRM and lead gen tool
An all-in-one lead gen and CRM tool that lets you build campaigns, target leads, and analyse businesses like no other. Using 60 different data sources we hold approximately 3B+ rows of data!

Want to find out more?

Spark up some magic and book a demo with our team.
We're here to listen to your goals and guide you through how you can, like our many partners, use Spark to successfully achieve them.

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The information Spark are providing us not only supplies the data that otherwise is time consuming to obtain and is never held in one place, but also provides a better opportunity for relationship building which is absolutely fundamental when a new person takes over an opportunity.
Simon Carter
The information Spark are providing us not only supplies the data that otherwise is time consuming to obtain and is never held in one place, but also provides a better opportunity for relationship building which is absolutely fundamental when a new person takes over an opportunity.
Simon Carter
Head of Sales
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's.
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